2013年12月31日 星期二



12月 28日下午有點冷,卻擋不住我們停不下來的交流。這一天提了好些個話題:


2013年12月22日 星期日

一起迎接 2014年的到來~Celebrate moving from 2013 to 2014!

台灣開放空間社群邀請你 12/28(周六)下午來參加我們的學習交流聚會,用真誠而深入的對話,探索OST的運用以及如何與我們在我們的生活中活出開放空間的精神,

歡迎你 帶著你喜歡的飲料和點心一起來。
◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多的可能性
◆ 豐富、有意義、有內容的午後對話

地點:覺旅 Lab(在覺旅咖啡的隔壁)
時間:2013年12月28日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30

Hope to see you at Journey Kaffe
next Saturday, 28 December.
Celebrate moving from 2013 to 2014!

On Saturday afternoon 28 December the Taiwan Open Space Community invites you to join the monthly Learning Exchange gathering for an afternoon of celebration - lively and profound conversation, sharing and exploring the use of OST and the presence of open space in our lives! And a time to look forward to 2014!

Bring a drink and snack or drink to share if you like.
◆a time to share experiences, meet others using Open Space in Taiwan, exploring possibility....
◆an afternoon of rich, meaningful and productive conversation


Location: Journey Kaffe, ( 1F, #26, lane 583, RueiGuang Rd., NeiHu District, Taipei. 1 block from XiHu MRT, Exit
( http://www.facebook.com/journeykaffe)
When: Saturday afternoon, 28 December 2013, 2-4:30 pm

2013年12月9日 星期一

草根社區發展與營造 ~ 一套介紹如何由下而上進行社區發展與營造的課程

Community Development Introduction ~ A Comprehensive Grass Roots Approach
4-5 January 2014, Taipei

When people work together to meet their own changing social and economic needs, a community development intervention can be successful and sustainable.

For over 35 years, ICA has been implementing its "grass-roots" process in communities around the world, resulting in long - term, locally motivated change.


The Community Development Intensive is a two-day course which establishes the context for community development as a whole-system change. This course covers the full cycle of community based change.

Community Development Theory 社區發展理論


◆ Experience & Expectations - Learning who the "we" is.
經驗與期待 — “我們”是誰
◆ 9 Ingredients Of Community Development - Exploring the context of comprehensive development.
九項社區發展與營造的元素 — 瞭解營造全面發展的條件
◆Approaches To Community Development - Looking beyond ICA work to other forms and foci of development.
社區發展與營造諸方法 — ICA工作模式之外的其他發展的形式與焦點
◆Economic, Social & Cultural Presuppositions of CD - Examining the presupposition of ICA approach as a way to discern other presuppositions operating in the development context and how this impacts the work.
社區營造的經濟、社會與文化的假設 — 檢視ICA社區營造與發展的前提假設與其它模式發展假設之差別,以及對營造工作的影響

參與式方法實作 1 (以實務為基礎)

◆Ladder of Participation - Exploring levels as a way to understand the intention of involvement and the impact on the community of these expectations and their current ones.
◆Field Research: Local Community - Using each person’s current community as a grounding point to begin exploring the development context.
◆Using The Social Process Triangles.


◆ Multi Sector Approach - Exploring development sectors and their impact on community programs.
◆ Program Screen - ICA's programmatic elements for comprehensive impact.
◆ Focusing A Project - Participants begin to explore their own development context.
◆ Creating A Framework Of Support - in their own context what is the frame they have and what do they need.
創造一個支援系統 — 在他們的處境裡,獲得的支持與支援是如何?還需要什麼?

PARTICIPATORY APPROACH LAB 2 (Community or Group Facilitation)參與式方法實驗室 2(社區或團隊引導實作)

◆ Vision - What is the future we hope for?
◆ Challenges - What must we overcome in ourselves to transform the situation?
◆ Opportunities - What can we do to shift from our reality to our vision?
◆ Role of Leadership - Who will chose to lead? What is the new role of leadership in this participatory development process.

Faciitator: 引導者

Lawrence Philbrook of ICA Taiwan has been a facilitator for over 30 years. He has great passion for process design, long-term organizational change and expanding the facilitation learning community. For the past 20 years his focus has been primarily in long-term change facilitation within organizations and communities in South East Asia, Greater China and Japan.

  • Fee: NT$ 12,000 or for PVO’s NT$ 8,000 參加費用:台幣12,000元,非營利組織工作者台幣8,000元
  • Partial scholarships may be available 如有需額外補助,請洽主辦單位
  • Lunch and materials included. 含教材與午餐
  • Venue: National Farmers Training Center, 113 Chung Shan N. Rd. Sec 7 Tien Mou in Taipei.
  • 課程地點:農民團體幹部聯合訓練協會(沃田旅店)/台北士林區中山北路七段113號/TEL:02-2875-2288

Registration Confirmation and course details will be sent on receipt of registration fee.

Registration Form 報名表
Send to:Gail West, 3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road, Taipei
請寄到: 111台北市士林區天母西路五巷十二號三樓
Phone 電話:2871-3150 Email 電子郵件 icamail@icatw.com
◆ Name姓名:
◆ Organization 所屬組織:
◆ Phone電話 Home住家 / Office辦公室 / Mobile:
◆ Email 電子郵件:
Email registration form to ICA. 請將報名表以電子郵件或是郵寄到ICA

2013年10月20日 星期日


邀請你來參加 10/26 下午的學習交流聚會,一起探索OST的運用以及如何與我們在我們的生活中活出開放空間的精神:

◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多的可能性
◆ 豐富、有意義、有內容的午後對話

地點:覺旅 Lab(在覺旅咖啡的隔壁)
時間:2013年10月26日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30

歡迎你 帶著你喜歡的飲料和點心一起來。

On 26 October the Taiwan Open Space Community invites you to join the monthly Learning Exchange gathering for an afternoon of lively and profound conversation, sharing and exploring the use of OST and the presence of open space in our lives!

We invite and welcome you and others to join together for great conversations on Saturday afternoon. Bring a drink and snack if you like.
◆a time to share experiences, meet others using Open Space in Taiwan, exploring possibility
◆an afternoon of rich, meaningful and productive conversation

Location: Journey Kaffe, ( 1F, #26, lane 583, RueiGuang Rd., NeiHu District, Taipei. 1 block from XiHu MRT, Exit
( http://www.facebook.com/journeykaffe)
When: Saturday afternoon, 26 October 2013, 2-4:30 pm

Hope to see you there!

2013年9月13日 星期五

2013.9月的OST下午茶交流訂在 9/28

8月的交流會中,我們本訂了 9月要在 9/14辦交流會,當時都沒有人注意到9/14是補上班日!

為讓大家都有機會來參加,我們改為 9/28下午2:00。

時間:2013年9月28日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30




Because Saturday 14 September is now a working day, the monthly Open Space Learning Exchange has been moveded to 28 September!   

The Open Space Community invites you to join the Learning Exchange gathering for an afternoon of lively and profound conversation, sharing and exploring the use of OST and the presence of open space in our lives!  

We invite and welcome you and any others to join us for great conversations on Saturdayafternoon, 28 August, 2:00 - 4:30 pm at the Frontier Foundation.   Bring a drink and snack if you like.

◆a time to share experiences, meet others using Open Space in Taiwan, exploring possibility......
◆an afternoon of rich, meaningful and productive conversation......

Location: Frontier Foundation, 2:00 - 4:30 pm10F-A, No.273, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

Hope to see you there!

開放空間會議 + 大學教授 = 突破困境開展未來?

by Ito Chao

因著外在環境的劇烈變化,近年許多大學教授越來越忙,同事間的交流隨之減少。雖堅守崗位,越忙越茫者所在多有,好不辛苦。但是每個系所必須與時俱進,沒有團體的智慧與力量,單靠單位主管在日趨複雜的環境中苦撐著,幾乎是mission impossible。不少主管都是帶著挫折感下台,菁英們就這樣耗損著。

自從聽說open space technology可以促進對話、凝結團體智慧與熱情,去年暑假帶著無限好奇去參加了學習工作坊,發現這個簡單又不簡單、把所有人放在平等地位的方法,對自主性原本就高的教授而言,的確有可能帶來對話與連結。





2013年8月14日 星期三


這一天,我們前前後後有 12個人參加。

提了4個想討論的議題:組織內部OST的機會和挑戰、當sponsor的經驗、如何用在很短時間使用OST、在 10人的小組織中如何進行OST。

最神奇的是剛好來Journey'S kafe用餐的朋友ilya lee,在跟覺旅的櫃檯伙伴提他的建議時,被詢問要不要過來參加我們的討論,然後他就很雙腳法則的移動了過來。


  • 自己當過sponsor後,似乎更懂了sponsor的考量點。花時間、投入資源..yet必須open to the result,要做到並不容易。
  • 在自己的組織引導過ost後,比較體會學習工作坊中,特別提到不建議大家這麼做的理由:人真的很難擺脫既定的印象和習性的。
  • ost的過程,會很自然讓人有安心感。不用擔心來不及提主題、會發現有其他人跟你一樣關心、可以快速的建立連結,你並不孤單。
  • Pre-work  包括了訪談、 透過邀請讓大家有準備、確認sponsor的需求、找到夠open的主題,以帶出更多的可能性。試著邀請可能有關的人、客戶、董事、志工、離職or退休者...越多元代表越多的可能性。
  • OST的主題是為邀請可能性,所以要夠開放、夠廣。
  • 發現更關鍵的是ost精神,而不僅止是技巧。把OST開放、尊重、自發、一起找答案、一起承擔責任的精神帶進不同的會議。
  • 透過OST了解組織內同仁在想什麼?在乎什麼?比用問卷之類的工具要好得太多了。而事先的訪談不論對sponsor、對引導師和參與者都很重要。
  • 覺旅去年的一場ost,讓員工大大地穩定下來,雖然會中產出的幾個行動方案到現在都還在消化,也有很多變化。但同仁之後在自己的網路社團裡很容易產生議題和對話。
  • Gail說如果有人 OST是怎麼樣的經驗,覺旅會是很好的reference。然而覺旅做了很多準備:有 6個人去參加工作坊、事先的interview、兩整天休店開會...所有同仁可以感受到這件事的重要的。
  • Reflection的幫助很大,讓人們可以整理自己的學習
  • OST是一個引擎,在尋找能夠解決人們所關心議題的過程,以溝通很快樂很有效率。
  • ...


從歡迎開始~set the context
連結~participate,self-organize, connect
開始~current situation

2013年8月8日 星期四

1,000 participants in 4 hours - The Report

菲律賓的好朋友 Sharon Joy Berlin Chao 七月受邀引導一場特別的open space,四小時內讓 1100多人一起討論。以下是她會後整理的一些過程與心得,貼出來跟大家分享。

Just two weeks ago I had this interesting experience of opening space for 1,100 (yes, the number swelled) under 4 hours. You probably remember the massive exchange in OSList on how to convene under these conditions as we burned the line talking about the merit of this assignment. The extent of our discussion was remarkable for it showed the depth of wisdom and passion attached to the practice with ideas flying from one side of the globe to the other. 

It started with an invitation to a two-day symposium on performance management system in government service. And because it’s a symposium there were 6 speakers lined up including a dozen others for concurrent sessions. Day 1 had a couple of plenary and concurrent sessions. Open Space was slated in the morning of Day 2 followed by a formal symposium integration and closure in the afternoon. This was the first time HR people in government are called together, and there was a good mix of people from national agencies, government corporations, state universities and local government units in attendance.

The open space session focused on making performance management system (PMS) in public service truly essential, responsive and life giving. Sitting through Day 1 presentations and forums made me realize that the audience have compelling stories to tell in addition to having contending views on how to move PMS in their agency. This prompted me to check my own motivation as I worked with government in the past and I know that PMS has always been a thorny issue in the service. I need to bring respect to everyone involved and there’s no sense adding my own ideas and arrogance to the issue.

Bits and pieces of the process I used that somehow worked despite the number and the time configuration:

·        Space was tight to include provision of an open space in the middle, but the hotel staff did an incredible job of assembling 5 layers of chairs in concentric circle. With this arrangement a thousand chairs almost reached the wall but then again that’s fine as there was ample space for people to move in the center. To facilitate movement an open aisle was provided from four points of the room so what we actually had was an open circle.

·        Opening was limited to an hour with 15-minute sponsorship and a walkthrough of the theme and the OST process. The whole spiel gave me time to completely/slowly walk the circle to establish some degree of proximity with the participants. The rest of the hour was spent getting people to queue and publicly announce their topics.

·        Convenors used placards (illustration board stapled on three-foot bamboo stick) instead of papers to publish their topics. There was no marketplace because the market was mobile. It was messy, disorderly and fun when convenors started to go around the room for membership, while the rest decide which topic to join. The decision to use placards was brought about by hotel’s policy not to stick anything on the wall, and this policy actually worked to everyone’s advantage.

·        It helped to talk about chaos openly and early on. There’s no way I can manage a thousand in four hours; and the only other thing left was expect chaos, accept it, and work it to my advantage. At the same time I remained calm and secure despite the seeming disarray inside the room especially when people start standing up and moving into groups. It’s essential to coach the sponsor to expect it. The analogy I used to convince them was that of a  wedding event, one can think things through and organize it to death but then again things don’t usually turn out as planned. I also told the participants to expect chaos, learn to live with the mess and love it.

·        When all the topics were declared (about a hundred), I realize it did not make sense sticking to the original plan of having two one-hour session, despite the color coded placards and instructions for groups to have two separate time frames. With placards on hand, people immediately self organized. Not even those sticky numbers posted (yes, this was the only concession we got from the hotel) made sense at this point. Respecting that tendency, I decided not to call for two sessions but instead do a two-hour session on the topics generated. This two hour event gave convenors ample time not only to convene their group and discuss the topic but also time to review and enrich the report.

·        Wonderful suggestion never to let go of the microphone especially during the queuing for topics and the closing of circle when a drove wanted to speak. We apportioned an hour for closing the circle, with about 20 people sharing their thoughts on the process and how they plan to move forward with PMS in their agency.

·        What worked for me in closing the circle was having someone to anchor it and in this case it was the Chair of the Civil Service Commission. This was very strategic as one can’t get any higher than this guy. Commitments were made on the results of the OS discussion including the commitment to  hold an annual gathering of HR people in public service.

·        I worked with one other friend in convening the circle. Having one person to do the walk is fine but it’s important to have someone to help hold the space with me, someone to ground me and to help make sense of the pulse of those in the circle which can easily be missed when one is caught up with things.

·        I remember Harrison saying that opening spaces is a dance and we can dance beautifully yet we should not be caught in it (I added some words here, not sure if he agrees). It’s this balancing act that keeps me grounded and calm but also allowed me to gently take rein of things when necessary to secure the space, and it worked especially in opening and closing of the space. In the end, OST became an act of accepting whatever comes and letting go whatever goes.

Preparing the self or what works for me two weeks ago:

·        I learn to love the mess and expect that nothing can be completely accounted for. I talk about it with the organizers, cue people who are in the circle and most importantly I embrace it like a mother embraces a child and just let it be without losing myself to it.

·        I learn to connect...I am passionate about this assignment as I worked with government for 14 years before joining my present job. There was deep connection between my need to serve and the intention of this gathering, and this was instructive in the way I prepared myself for the assignment. I drew strength from my love of government service, that I did not worry myself senseless unlike my previous OS engagements. I eased up and just refused to get caught in the usual pre-work worries. Don’t get me wrong pre-work is important and I’m glad I had a group of young women backing me on the details. But at the personal level, this engagement was unique as I dig deep and spend more time settling down. I also had a good night rest before opening the circle, so unlike the past. And there was a conscious attempt to stop talking the night before, not only outside but also inside. I practiced noble silence, ending the talk from the mouth and the mind. This is graceful silence and a very powerful one, it’s the silence that heals and nourishes, same energy I brought to the circle the next day.

·        I learn to hack my way through and think on my feet. The ways of OST never fail to surprise me, it served me on what I know would work yet  there’s no one way. I learn that there are many possible ways of moving forward, and it is by challenging and provoking what I already know that helps. What is universal and unchanging, what stays are the principles and the law, in whatever arrangements or configuration these are the things that stick. The rest is as experimental as catching the wave.

·        I learn to stay humble and step back from a prescribed program that’s already agreed upon but at the same time fearless despite what others say because in the end it's also about that one solitary person in the middle of the circle. It’s important to be open to the flow and to feel one’s way through the crowd, just as we do in real life.

For better appreciation of this experience, I’ve uploaded some photos in my Facebook account.

2013年8月5日 星期一


7月份我們有學習工作坊,也是很棒的交流分享機會,所以在6月相聚後,訂下的是 8月的下午茶時間。邀請你來參加 8/10 下午的學習交流聚會,一起探索OST的運用以及如何與我們在我們的生活中活出開放空間的精神:


◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多的可能性
◆ 豐富、有意義、有內容的午後對話 

地點:覺旅 Lab(在覺旅咖啡的隔壁) 
時間:2013年8月10日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30 

歡迎你 帶著你喜歡的飲料和點心一起來。 

On 10 August the Open Space Community invites you to join the Learning Exchange gathering for an afternoon of lively and profound conversation, sharing and exploring the use of OST and the presence of open space in our lives!  

We invite and welcome you and others to join us for great conversations on Saturday afternoon, 10 August.   Bring a drink and snack if you like.
◆a time to share experiences, meet others using Open Space in Taiwan, exploring possibility
◆an afternoon of rich, meaningful and productive conversation
Location:  Journey Kaffe, ( 1F, #26, lane 583, RueiGuang Rd., NeiHu District, Taipei. 1 block from XiHu MRT, Exit 2 ) ( http://www.facebook.com/journeykaffe)
When: Saturday afternoon, 10 August 2013, 2-4:30 pm

前次(六月)聚會紀錄請參考 http://openspacetaiwan.blogspot.tw/2013/06/20136.html

2013 開放空間學習工作坊的分享




更多照片請前往 2013OSLW瀏覽(more pictures)。更歡迎大家也來分享屬於你的開放空間故事。

2013年7月11日 星期四

2013年6月11日 星期二

開放空間科技 學習工作坊(2013)

開放空間科技 學習工作坊    8/3-8/4 (2013)
Open Space Technology Learning Workshop
3-4 August 2013, Taipei

Discover an approach to holding meetings that  
enhances communication, generates innovation, builds strategy
and resolves conflict in organizations and communities.

迎接可能性 Opening to Exciting Possibilities
Open Space Technology (OST) is a powerful approach for engaging people.  As a method for conducting any kind of meeting, it is used around the world by thousands of organizations, from transnational corporations to government agencies, NGOs and community associations. 

Innovation is often hampered by control and by structures that inhibit rapid and creative responses at the place where implementation and change happen.  OST triggers individual enthusiasm and responsibility.  It draws upon people’s inherent creativity to develop real and practical approaches that maximize communication, synergy and productivity.  OST can help organizations become flexible and interactive.

訓練與實作的工作坊 Training and Practice Workshop
This two-day Learning Workshop is designed primarily for those who have experienced the benefits of an open space approach to meetings and gatherings, and intend to use it in their own organizations and communities.   In these 2 days, you will:
  • Experience a short Open Space Technology event
  • Ground the core principles in your own life
  • Learn when OST is an appropriate method to use – and when it is not
  • Explore how to work with and prepare sponsors
  • Learn the role of the facilitator
  • Begin the work of focusing the theme, setting priorities and action planning for an event you intend to implement 
  • You will have the opportunity to practice facilitating the opening of space yourself. 

Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of OST, their own specific plans to apply it, and local colleagues to provide on-going support and encouragement.  The days will be full, the spirit high, the learning fast and your applications can be immediate.  The workshop will be conducted in Chinese and English.

誰適合來上課 Who Can Benefit
Leaders, managers, facilitators, educators, consultants – anyone working with complex issues, requiring the cooperation of diverse stakeholders, where conflict is quite possible if not already present, and where there is an urgent need for effective action.  It is also for anyone who is looking for a way to get beyond business as usual, for better and faster results on their most important issues and opportunities.

關於開放空間科技 About Open Space Technology
In OST meetings and events, participants create and manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central theme that for them is of real and urgent importance.  This might be as visionary as “Beyond the merger - creating the environment and culture for our future”, or as practical as “What can we do to achieve our annual goals in the midst of economic instability?”  With groups of 5 or 500 – together for 3 days or in weekly staff meetings – the common result is a powerful connecting of people, sharing what is happening in the organization, and strengthening of trust and a common vision.

Since it’s creation 25 years ago, OST has enabled people in diverse situations to experience inspired meetings and events that lead to achievement.  OST is:
  • 很有彈性的—可適用於各樣和各種不同大小的組織、社區,世界觀、議題或需要
Flexible – fits any kind or size of organization, community, world view, issue or need
  • 快速的—可以有立即的結果
                Fast – produces immediate results
  • 貼切的—是由參與者所自行設計安排的
                Appropriate – is designed and directed by the participants themselves
  • 透明的—可以跨越衝突、懷疑、不信任、隱藏的課題、以及看似歧異無法協調的立場
Transparent – can move beyond conflict, skepticism, distrust, hidden agendas, diversity and seemingly irreconcilable positions

Comments after the training
“I learned that it’s OK to release control and experience chaos with the group.  Order - a new order - will re-emerge which allows us to reach new heights.” – Linda Cooper, Advisor, Strategic / Scientific Partnerships,
Environment Canada, New-Brunswick, Canada

“In 25 years, I have never seen training with such comprehensive supporting documentation. I can apply the method right away.” Bernard Bie

“Open Space is much more powerful than I thought. It becomes a philosophy of life.”  François Juneau, Fédération des Caisses Desjardins, Québec

“Open Space has a philosophy that is close to and compliments coaching: same path to autonomy.” Vincent Mignote

“This workshop is very well constructed; it allows us to experience Open Space and to learn in real time. I really experienced and perceived two essential dimensions of OST: self-organization and emergence of
leadership.” Jean-Maurice Vergnaud, Consultant, France

Further information in Chinese and English on Open Space Technology is available at:

         http:// www.openspaceworld.org
         “Open Space Technology – A User’s Guide”, third edition, by Harrison Owen

如何報名 How to register
欲報名者,請填好下列表格,email給蔡淑芳 frontiertw@gmail.com  或 Gail West,  icataiw@gmail.com    
或者傳真到  02-28712870  ICA辦公室。

需要更多資訊,歡迎跟我們聯絡  For further information contact
Tsai Shu-Fang 蔡淑芳, frontiertw@gmail.com  02-23689895~14
or Gail West, icataiw@gmail.com      02-2871-3150.

Cost:NT$ 5,000 (includes materials and lunch)

Email or mail registration form to ICA  以網路或傳真報名表格至 ICA 報名
3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road, Taipei  天母西路 5  12  3 
Phone 電話: 2871-3150,  Fax 傳真: 2871-2870,  Email: icamail@gmail.com

Name 姓名:_________________________________     Organization 公司:__________________________

Address 地址: ______________________________________________________________________________

Phone 電話:Home 家 / Office 辦公室_____________________________  Email: _________________________

Fax 傳真:Home 家 / Office 辦公室 ________________________________ 




6/8 10多位大人加上 2位小朋友,一起出現在覺旅。

也歡迎您來參加 7/13--7/14的 開放空間科技學習工作坊

2013年5月30日 星期四


邀請你來參加 6/8 下午的學習交流聚會,一起探索OST的運用以及如何與我們在我們的生活中活出開放空間的精神:

◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多的可能性


地點:覺旅 Lab(在覺旅咖啡的隔壁) 
時間:2013年4月13日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30 

歡迎你 帶著你喜歡的飲料和點心一起來。 

On 8 June the Open Space Community invites you to join the Learning Exchange gathering for an afternoon of lively and profound conversation, sharing and exploring the use of OST and the presence of open space in our lives!  

We invite and welcome you and others to join us for great conversations on Saturday afternoon, 8 June.   Bring a drink and snack if you like.
  • a time to share experiences, meet others using Open Space in Taiwan, exploring possibility
  • an afternoon of rich, meaningful and productive conversation
Location:  Journey Kaffe, 
1F, #26, lane 583, RueiGuang Rd., NeiHu District, Taipei.
1 block from XiHu MRT, Exit 2  
When:       Saturday afternoon, 8 June 2013, 2-4:30 pm


4/13 下午,我們在覺旅進行了二個多小時的交流。談了「如何讓OST過程跟引導師有連結」、「台灣的OST故事」...。有興趣的朋友可以參考這幾張照片。

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