12月17日, 我們,63 位來自於非營利組織,企業界,公部門,自由工作者,記者,律師,教師等聚集在劍潭的會議室,一起想像台灣的未來,探索各自或共同可以努力的方向。
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這本二十二頁的討論紀錄以及7 個行動領域就是我們的熱情與責任的實證。我記得結束是有人說"我現在知道我不是唯一愛台灣的人,感覺真好!","Never stop imagine!永遠不要停止想像!","我不是珍珠,我只是串起珍珠的那條線"。
“ Never doubt that a small group of committed and thoughtful citizens can not change the world”“不要懷疑一小群有承諾,有想法的人不能改變世界” ~Margret Mead
想像台灣的未來ost, a set on Flickr.
on the 17th, 63 of us from all walks of life gathered to imagine what we can be and explore what we can do toward our desired future. 7 action arenas and this 22 paged report are the hard evidences of our passion and responsibilities. I remembered at the closing circle, some one said" I now know that I am not the only one loves Taiwan; I am not alone", "Never Stop imagine","I am not a pearl; I am the thread that string all the pearls together". As Margret Mead said" Never doubt that a small group of committed and thoughtful citizens can not change the world" . Your participation will weave hopes, trust and new connections and move us together toward the desired future. Please do share your experience and the report with others.Start the rippling effect- opening spaces and opening possibilities in Taiwan!!
Hi, Jorie, congratulation, well done for the past few years you have done for the so fragile Taiwan society.
回覆刪除I hope you can find the solutions as well as so many problems.
Best Regards,
Sylvia Chao
Thank you for valuable information.