2015/10/24 開放空間下午茶
台灣開放空間社群邀請你 10月24日(周六)下午來參加我們的學習交流聚會,用真誠而深入的對話,探索OST的運用以及如何與我們在我們的生活中活出開放空間的精神!
歡迎你 帶著你喜歡的飲料和點心一起來。
◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多的可能性
◆ 豐富、有意義、有內容的午後對話
The Taiwan Open Space Community invites you to participate in our regulargathering for lively and profound dialogue - explore, share, learn and have fun.
around the use of OST and how we live out our lives in the spirit of open space !
You are welcome to bring a drink or snack to share together.
So, Be Prepared To Be Surprised!
歡迎你 帶著你喜歡的飲料和點心一起來。
◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多的可能性
◆ 豐富、有意義、有內容的午後對話
- 時間:2015年7月11日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30
The Taiwan Open Space Community invites you to participate in our regulargathering for lively and profound dialogue - explore, share, learn and have fun.
around the use of OST and how we live out our lives in the spirit of open space !
- Time: Saturday 24 October 2015 from 2:00 to 4: 30
- Location: Frontier Foundation 10/F, No. 273 Roosevelt Rd, Sec 3, Taipei
You are welcome to bring a drink or snack to share together.
- Whoever comes is the right people
- Whenever it starts is the right time
- What ever happens is the only thing that could have
- When it's over, it's over
So, Be Prepared To Be Surprised!
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