2012年11月28日 星期三

歡迎12/15 再來一起聊聊OPEN SPACE


◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多  的可能性

地點:覺旅 Lab(在覺旅咖啡的隔壁)
時間:2012年12月15日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30

歡迎你 帶著你喜歡的飲料和點心一起來。

In November, we had a fine afternoon of lively and profound conversation, sharing and exploring the use of OST and open space in our lives, at the OS Learning Exchange.  And we decided that it's not over!  So we invite and welcome others to join us for great conversations on Saturday afternoon, 15 December.   Bring a drink and snack if you like.
  • a time to share experiences, meet others using Open Space in Taiwan, exploring possibility
  • an afternoon of rich, meaningful and productive conversation
Location:  Journey Kaffe, 
1F, #26, lane 583, RueiGuang Rd., NeiHu District, Taipei.
1 block from XiHu MRT, Exit 2  
When:       Saturday afternoon, 15 December 2012, 2-4:30 pm

2012.11.10 ost 交流下午茶

2012年11月2日 星期五

邀請你參加 開放空間 交流下午茶

2012全球open space年會 WOSonOS 於十月中旬在倫敦舉行。


◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多  的可能性

地點:覺旅 Lab(在覺旅咖啡的隔壁)
時間:2012年11月10日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30


地點:覺旅 Lab(在覺旅咖啡的隔壁)
時間:2012年11月10日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30


2012年10月30日 星期二


以下轉載自 覺旅咖啡臉書,歡迎參考。
這次會議嘗試著使用「開放空間會議」的方式舉辦,非常感謝開拓文教基金會的引導師 淑芳 &ICA文化事業學會 Gail 來引導這兩天的會議。 經過兩天熱烈的討論,夥伴們彼此談出心中的想法,票選出現階段最關心的議題

或許你會覺得很好奇,為什麼要花兩整天的時間,舉辦一場「覺旅,夥伴當家」的會議呢? 覺旅一直希望, 每個夥伴都能以共同的價值觀相互協作,並在工作中彼此不斷學習、創新,獲得成就, 創造出新的生活產業類別,一起創造出一個世界級的品牌,而非只是獲利。
為了讓夥伴的想法能夠被激發,我們刻意空下了兩天,以開放性架構讓每一個覺旅人彼此接觸,彼此聆聽,從交流中得到收穫,從對話中找到創新的關鍵。 覺旅正向著學習型組織前進,在這裡,每天都是一場學習。
覺旅在這兩年多,有掙扎,有困難,有好多無解的習題不停的出現。 兩天的休息,讓自己有機會停下來檢視已經走過的旅程,我們重新調整了焦距,再度前進。也許幾年之後回頭看,這次的會議只是一個小小的開始,但也因為這場會議,讓我們把開放的門打開,就讓夥伴們真正當家,共創出新的經營方式吧!

2012年10月22日 星期一

2012 全球開放空間會議(WOSonOS)在倫敦辦理

2012年 10月11-14,2012 全球開放空間會議(WOSonOS)在倫敦辦理。

在Open Space 社群裡看到這張可愛的照片,讓ost的參與精神完全活了起來。

2012 WOSonOS的網站:

Cats3000 在他的部落格裡簡單紀錄了會議的過程,有興趣的朋友可以前往閱讀。程http://rationalmadness.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/wosonos-2012-blog/

2012年6月4日 星期一

開放空間科技 引導師訓練(2012.7/7-7/8)

開放空間科技 引導師訓練 
Open Space Technology Learning Workshop
7-8 July 2012, Taipei

Discover an approach to holding meetings that  
enhances communication, generates innovation, builds strategy
and resolves conflict in organizations and communities.

迎接可能性 Opening to Exciting Possibilities
Open Space Technology (OST) is a powerful approach for engaging people.  As a method for conducting any kind of meeting, it is used around the world by thousands of organizations, from transnational corporations to government agencies, NGOs and community associations. 

Innovation is often hampered by control and by structures that inhibit rapid and creative responses at the place where implementation and change happen.  OST triggers individual enthusiasm and responsibility.  It draws upon people’s inherent creativity to develop real and practical approaches that maximize communication, synergy and productivity.  OST can help organizations become flexible and interactive.

訓練與實作的工作坊 Training and Practice Workshop
This two-day Learning Workshop is designed primarily for those who have experienced the benefits of an open space approach to meetings and gatherings, and intend to use it in their own organizations and communities.   In these 2 days, you will:
  • Experience a short Open Space Technology event
  • Ground the core principles in your own life
  • Learn when OST is an appropriate method to use – and when it is not
  • Explore how to work with and prepare sponsors
  • Learn the role of the facilitator
  • Begin the work of focusing the theme, setting priorities and action planning for an event you intend to implement 
  • You will have the opportunity to practice facilitating the opening of space yourself. 

Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of OST, their own specific plans to apply it, and local colleagues to provide on-going support and encouragement.  The days will be full, the spirit high, the learning fast and your applications can be immediate.  The workshop will be conducted in Chinese and English.

誰適合來上課 Who Can Benefit
Leaders, managers, facilitators, educators, consultants – anyone working with complex issues, requiring the cooperation of diverse stakeholders, where conflict is quite possible if not already present, and where there is an urgent need for effective action.  It is also for anyone who is looking for a way to get beyond business as usual, for better and faster results on their most important issues and opportunities.

關於開放空間科技 About Open Space Technology
In OST meetings and events, participants create and manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central theme that for them is of real and urgent importance.  This might be as visionary as “Beyond the merger - creating the environment and culture for our future”, or as practical as “What can we do to achieve our annual goals in the midst of economic instability?”  With groups of 5 or 500 – together for 3 days or in weekly staff meetings – the common result is a powerful connecting of people, sharing what is happening in the organization, and strengthening of trust and a common vision.

Since it’s creation 25 years ago, OST has enabled people in diverse situations to experience inspired meetings and events that lead to achievement.  OST is:
  • 很有彈性的—可適用於各樣和各種不同大小的組織、社區,世界觀、議題或需要
Flexible – fits any kind or size of organization, community, world view, issue or need
  • 快速的—可以有立即的結果
                Fast – produces immediate results
  • 貼切的—是由參與者所自行設計安排的
                Appropriate – is designed and directed by the participants themselves
  • 透明的—可以跨越衝突、懷疑、不信任、隱藏的課題、以及看似歧異無法協調的立場
Transparent – can move beyond conflict, skepticism, distrust, hidden agendas, diversity and seemingly irreconcilable positions

Comments after the training
“I learned that it’s OK to release control and experience chaos with the group.  Order - a new order - will re-emerge which allows us to reach new heights.” – Linda Cooper, Advisor, Strategic / Scientific Partnerships,
Environment Canada, New-Brunswick, Canada

“In 25 years, I have never seen training with such comprehensive supporting documentation. I can apply the method right away.” Bernard Bie

“Open Space is much more powerful than I thought. It becomes a philosophy of life.”  François Juneau, Fédération des Caisses Desjardins, Québec

“Open Space has a philosophy that is close to and compliments coaching: same path to autonomy.” Vincent Mignote

“This workshop is very well constructed; it allows us to experience Open Space and to learn in real time. I really experienced and perceived two essential dimensions of OST: self-organization and emergence of
leadership.” Jean-Maurice Vergnaud, Consultant, France

Further information in Chinese and English on Open Space Technology is available at:
   Open Space Technology--A User’s Guide, by Harrison Owen (Chinese version)  NT320http://www.open-quest.com/english/publication/detail.asp?BookId=B200704180001

如何報名 How to register
欲報名者,請填好下列表格,email給蔡淑芳 frontiertw@gmail.com  或Gail West,  icamail@icatw.com
For further information contact Tsai Shu-Fang, frontiertw@gmail.com  or Gail West, icamail@icatw.com.  For registration, send the following form by fax or email.

Cost:NT$ 5,000 (includes materials and lunch)

Email or mail registration form to ICA  以網路或傳真報名表格至 ICA 報名
3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road, Taipei  天母西路 5  12  3 
Phone 電話: 2871-3150,  Fax 傳真: 2871-2870,  Email: icamail@icatw.com

Name 姓名:_________________________________     Organization 公司:__________________________

Address 地址: ______________________________________________________________________________

Phone 電話:Home 家 / Office 辦公室_____________________________  Email: _________________________

Fax 傳真:Home 家 / Office 辦公室 ________________________________ 



2012年3月14日 星期三



這兩天新竹的天氣有風有雨,很冷,但場內的討論始終是熱絡的,一圈圈的人們激盪出將近 30個觀照新竹城鄉各個層面的議題,8個行動方案,將連結著大家一起往前邁進。

  • 活動邀請與報名:http://hsinchutalk.s3tw.org/
  • 拜訪新竹市長並邀請:
  • http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20120305/6069759.html
  • 上FM97.5IC之音『愛上新竹』節目 介紹邀請
  • http://www.ic975.com/Main/Rundown.ic?id=9694

2012年1月29日 星期日

The Future of Learning An Invitation~Harrison Owen

What is learning ? Some years ago, a friend of mine, Prasad Kaipa - who at the time was Chief Technical Advisor to John Sculley at Apple Computer, embarked upon a quest. Wherever he went, and as often as he could, he posed the question - What is learning? To the best of my knowledge he never found a satisfactory answer. He is still questing, as are we all. And I think that is a wonderful thing! If nothing else it means that we continue to learn about learning. And on the day that we finally get THE answer - that day, I suspect will be our last. For at the very least, learning has a lot to do with living, and when learning ceases to evolve, we do too.
The Future of Learning from Harrison Owen on Vimeo.

So my friends, you are invited to engage in the quest. For one day (and as an integral part of our several days in Open Space) we will pose the question. If you require a definitive answer, I strongly suggest that you think of something else to do with your valuable time. I make no pretense of being an expert on learning, although 76 years of living has provided some reasonable time to think about it. But I do think I am pretty good at raising questions. And really good, juicy questions are infinitely better that certain answers. If nothing else, good questions open space, inviting our selves and our imagination into places and spaces we may never have been. That's fun, I think.

Our format will be simplicity itself. It comes in two parts, morning and afternoon with a pleasant lunch and maybe a nap in between. In each part, I will chat for a bit (45 min), you will be invited to gather with your colleagues in small groups to consider what you have heard, and where you would like to go next - what are the questions? What is your quest?? (1 hour). And then we come back together to explore where the questions might lead us.

The focus for out time together will be all about learning, but with a different emphasis in the morning and afternoon. For the morning, my intent will be to raise and sharpen the questions, open some new possibilities, and perhaps challenge a few presuppositions. Come the afternoon, the intent will be more practical - using what we have been learning about learning to enhance the whole enterprise. How do we learn better, more deeply, with greater joy and impact??

I have never been one to write out my presentations if only because by the time I offer them they inevitably seem boring, at least to me. And if I am bored, I can pretty well promise you a similar reaction. So we won't go there! But I do have some idea where I would like to start and some of the things that are likely to come up along the way.

My starting point in the morning will be with a distinction (possibly arbitrary) between education and learning. Education (for me) is the institutionalization or formalization of learning.  Education definitely has its place and uses, but should never be equated with the infinitely broader human activity of learning (undefined). Education, in fact is but a small part of the grand enterprise.  I hope we can think BIG!

With the distinction made, it will be off on the journey. First we will ground our exploration in your own experience - you will be invited to remember your own deepest learning moment. A time when the ground shifted, old certainties disappeared, and new possibilities emerged, if only dimly. And I bet that didn't happen in 7th Grade Algebra Class! Then take a look around... what started it all? What was helpful? What was hurtful? Somewhere along the line we may think about Open Space (surprise!). Just to see if there may be some useful thoughts, experiences, and new questions in that 25 year natural experiment. And is that all? I don't have a clue. You will have to come in order to find out.

In the afternoon, we move to the practical. How can we enhance the learning experience? Concretely and specifically, how can we maximize the learning opportunities that surround us? Everyday, day in and day out, at home, on the job - wherever and whenever we might be? I will share a few stories, my own and from other people, and the rest will be up to you.

Now for an obvious question. Why should you want to come? I can think of several reasons.
  1. It will be fun and challenging (my favorite).
  2. You will meet new friends and colleagues from all over Asia who may well become good learning companions for the future.
  3. There is a very good chance that you will walk out with some very useful approaches towards making learning a deep and continuing experience for yourself and those around you.
For more information about this coming program, please goes to Learning for the Future: An Open Space Technology Conference 

Learning for the Future: An Open Space Technology Conference

L E A R N I N G    F O R    T H E   F U T U R E
March 27-30, 2012   I   SEAMEO INNOTECH, Manila, Philippines

learning for the future
Harrison Owen, the voice of Open Space Technology, is coming to Asia for a grand gathering of open space enthusiasts, neophytes, simply curious and all those interested in the future possibilities of learning and education. This extraordinary gathering is about us and about our COMMON FUTURE.

The Conference will open the space for exchanges, linkages and hopefully a significant step forward on a theme and challenge that is fundamentally and universally important ~ LEARNING FOR THE FUTURE.  It comes in two stand-alone segments: a one-day training offering for those who are new to Open Space Technology and a three day working conference on what the future of learning looks like.

About Open Space Technology
Open Space Technology (OST) is a process of facilitating dialogues that offers a powerful approach and allows people to operate with high levels of engagement, creativity and passion. Over the last 20+ years,  OST has been found to generate results that are powerful and effective in connecting and strengthening what’s already happening in organizations – planning and action, learning and doing, passion and responsibility, participation and performance.

The Conference Segments
Choose to join any one or all of these 2012 OST Events in Asia.
Open Space Technology
A Pre-Conference Learning Session
27 March 2012
This is open to anyone and everyone interested in Open Space Technology as a way of facilitating dialogues and meetings.  It will introduce the participants to the technology’s history and core principles, and provide them the opportunity to experience an open space event.  There will be an opportunity to ground the Open Space Technology’s principles and laws in individual lives through question and answer (Q&A) and practice sessions.  Practical issues of facilitating an open space event will likewise be tackled.
A full day mentoring with Harrison Owen and a seasoned OST practitioner in the region
Learn the principles behind OST
Engage in the process and sharpen your skills in facilitation
Learning for the Future
Conference of Enthusiasts
28-30 March 2012
This is open to all who are passionate about learning whether in the field of organizational development and learning, formal education, capacity building or lifelong learning, and who want to take part in shaping the world of learning for the future.
Using Open Space as the process, the participants will create the agenda together and carry forward powerful conversations on Learning for the Future.  Intriguing ideas and questions on the state of learning for the future will be thrown in, discussed, questioned and framed.  Collective planning and setting of commitments, guided by the principles of self-organization and the power of passion, shall be in order.
Positively, participants will be afforded an awesome opportunity to be with Harrison Owen and experience Open Space Technology at a much deeper level.
Day One.  28 March 2012 (Wednesday). 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 pm: Opening circle and agenda co-creation, working sessions and Evening News (Venue: Pearl Hall, SEAMEO INNOTECH). 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm: Evening Socials (Venue: L.B. Soriano, SEAMEO INNOTECH). 
Day Two. 29 March 2012 (Thursday). 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 pm: Morning News and announcements of late breaking-sessions, working sessions, Evening News. 
Day 3. 30 March 2012 (Friday). 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 pm: Morning News and announcements of late breaking-sessions, planning, commitment setting, announcements, Closing Circle.

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