2014年10月29日 星期三


The Taiwan Open Space Community invites you to come to meet old and new friends, explore/share/ learn together. It's an opportunity for fun and meaningful dialogue - in and ariund open space in our lives.

This month we will meet at ICA office in Tien Mou, and meet on Sunday:

Time: Sunday, 2 November 2014 from 2:00 to 4: 30
Location: 3/F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road

You are welcome to bring a drink or snack to share together.

台灣開放空間社群邀請你 11月2日(周日)下午來參加我們的學習交流聚會,用真誠而深入的對話,探索OST的運用以及如何與我們在我們的生活中活出開放空間的精神!

特別提醒:本次聚會時間是周日,地點在天母的 文化事業學會。

時間:2014年11月2日 (星期日)下午2:00-4:30
地點:文化事業學會 台北市天母西路 5 巷12號3樓)


New Spirit of Facilitation Course, Nov. 15-16 2014

The ICA’s Spirit of Facilitation (SOF) course is scheduled for 15-16 November 2014 in Taipei.

SOF, continually revised and expanded, is designed for people who have previously attended ICA or other facilitation courses and have some experience using their facilitation skills in their work, in relationships and in other organization interactions.

As a person gains competency and experience in basic facilitative methods (whether in group setting or one-to-one as in coaching or mentoring), what does he/she need in order to more effectively recognize and tap into spirit for authenticity, high performance and productivity?

In the SOF we will be exploring the foundations for grounding ones self in spirit, using dialogue, reflection, sharing and learning from one another’s facilitation experience.

  •  Explore my journey as a facilitator
  •  Way of being – how I am with others which opens thespace for spirit to be released and be present?
  •  The importance of context, intention, values and

  • Self-awareness, including unknown blind spots
  • The discipline of grounding oneself in spirit
  • The stance of “yes” and being open to facilitating what is happening rather than what I think should be happening

Some of you may have participated in earlier versions of the spirit of facilitation, the world and each of us are going through incredible change in our knowing and doing. We encourage you to participate in this learning exchange as we explore spirit through our facilitation techniques and skills and beyond.

We hope you will join us for this interactive learning experience.

To register, send your name, email address and telephone number to icamail@icatw.com.

Cost: NT$ 12, 000 Lunch is provided on Saturday and Sunday.

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