2015年12月22日 星期二





時間:104年10月17日(六) 08:30-17:00


延伸閱讀:青年發展政策綱領- http://goo.gl/x2CJ69。
Utube- https://goo.gl/FLqd4D

2015年12月8日 星期二

致 Harrison Owen 80歲生日詩

"A few old time friends gathered in DC to celebrate Harrison's 80th last week, and toasted him with this:

To Harrison H. Owen on his 80th Birthday

On December Second, Nineteen Thirty Five,
Harrison Owen did arrive.
No way that his parents could have known,
The fruits of the seeds that they had sown.
Early on he seemed a normal boy,
Though he preferred catching skunks to playing with toys.
But then Seminary, a stint as a biblical scholar?
Clearly not chasing the Almighty Dollar!
Community Organizer, way down in Dixie;
Peace Corps in Liberia, where things were quite tricxy.
Then back to DC, NIH, and VA;
A strange game indeed,that he chose to play.
Biblical Studies and Bureaucracy in the heart of the Nation
Combined in his head as Organizational Transformation!
After hosting some conferences that were way too much work,
He woke up one day, and said “I’m such a jerk!;
While agendas and details all keep me awake
The things people come for are good coffee breaks!”
From that realization, however belated,
His famed Open Space soon was created
From a simple experiment, thirty years ago,
The phenomenon has continued to grow
Now, thirty years, and nine books later,
It’s world-wide success could not be greater.
Self-Organization is at its’ core,
But Harrison’s message says so much more:
We’ve all been taught that Management’s Role
Is to Plan, Organize, Direct, and Control –
That’s all wrong, said this radical boy
Envision, Engage, Empower, Enjoy!
The paradox is -- by controlling the least
You get both High Performance and a true sense of Peace.
Results speak for themselves, and by any measure,
Harrison’s thinking has become a World Treasure.
But what of the man whom we know as our neighbor;
Modest, laid back, full of stories to savor?
On high seas he commands the Ethelyn Rose,
But on land who commands nobody knows!
One thing is for certain, we love and adore
This world-famous guru -- our good friend next door.
Congratulations, Harrison, on your 80th; you done good."

全球各地ost朋友自動串連,線上祝Harrison Owen生日快樂!

Harrson Owen在臉書的註記

Those of you who came to one of the Open-Space-By-the-Sea, in Camden Maine will remember Rodney as the marvelous gentleman who opened up the Yacht Club on both occasions for a small party. Rodney and I went to camp together, so we have known each other for a very long time.
​  ​

瑞典ost 社群邀請人們為難民開啟更多空間



OST people Calling For Action

幾個月來  Scandinavia 的ost朋友已每個月聚在一起互相激勵,探索對於大量新成員加入我們的鄰里、社區與國家過程裡,我們可以做些什麼行動來參與和貢獻。有些行動已經在進行了,未來會有更多...

不久前,才過完80歲生日的 Harrison Owen (Open Space Technology方法的創始人),也在他的臉書做了響應。他認為如果我們放棄人性而屈服於恐懼,封掉邊界、關起我們的門與窗,不就是在關掉空間!沒有空間人是沒辦法存活的,包括你我。

我們所愛的這個溫暖而深刻的開放空間社群 ,並不是憑空在那裡的,而是我們的所作所為的具體呈現;開放空間開啟空間並不是魔術、且一點也不複雜,最基礎的精神是:


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